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 12 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"John Skippe"Advanced Search
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Two Shepherds and a Boy. Creator: John Skippe.
A Naked Man, Seated, with His Hands Tied, 1782. Creator: John Skippe.
Man in Chains, 1808. Creator: John Skippe.
A Sibyl Reading, 1780s. Creator: John Skippe.
Male Saint Standing, with Folded Arms, Facing to the Left, 1781. Creator: John Skippe.
Saint John the Evangelist, 1782. Creator: John Skippe.
Saint John the Evangelist, 1771. Creator: John Skippe.
Male Saint Standing, with Folded Arms, Facing to the Left, 1781. Creator: John Skippe.
Male Saint Standing with Folded Arms, Facing to the Right, 1781. Creator: John Skippe.
Saint John the Evangelist, 1771. Creator: John Skippe.
A Group of Monks and a Woman, 1780s. Creator: John Skippe.
Joseph Sold into Slavery, 1783. Creator: John Skippe.